I don't think I have always been a procrastinator, but maybe I have. Right now, as I was looking up the dictionary definition of procrastinate, I got sidetracked by another word on the same page. You know, the one in large type at the top of the page that tells you what the last word on the page is. This word is proctodaeum, and, no, I'm not going to tell you what it means; but it's probably what you're thinking. You're going to look it up, aren't you?
Then there's Den. He really helps out a lot, does most of the cooking, and looks after the dogs. But he has this stereo. It is somehow attached to the computer, and to the TV, and he loves to spend time trying to make it sound incrementally better. In his experiments, he comes across all sorts of music styles and videos, and I have to listen to and watch them. Is this procrastination? I hope not, because it's really very interesting and entertaining. Just because I get nothing else done doesn't really matter, does it?
Oh, wait - I don't have any books or videos overdue at the library, and we did finish the weaving class, so, maybe I'm not such a procrastinator after all. In fact, I think I will work on my writing for my class right now. Just saying it makes me feel better.
It doesn't sound like you would win the procrastination award, Sharon! You seem pretty darn busy to me. And the writing class sounds great.