Last night as I was getting ready for bed, thoughts that really impressed me kept flying into my head; I knew exactly what I would write in my blog today. This morning, I couldn't remember a single thing that I had thought was so important last night. Why does this happen? Am I the only person it happens to? Most important, do you think, that in the future, I will write down these bedtime thoughts so I don't lose them? Time will tell (sounds like a Gary Morris song title).
My goal for this blog is to write at least once every week. The weekend seems as good a time as any since I do a lot of my fiction writing during the week. I figure the more I train myself to write, no matter what the subject is, the better writer I will become. At least, that is my goal. I feel that today was very productive for me in terms of my writing. Not that I actually wrote anything, because I didn't, but that, while I was swimming, I had some good insights into the stories that I have been trying to write. And yes, I wrote down some notes after I was done swimming.
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