Wednesday, July 19, 2017

There is no way that I would ever endorse Donald Trump for any political office. Having said that, maybe having Trump as the President of the United States is a good thing. I say this while at the same time hoping he doesn't destroy the world. People can now see his true behavior and how he lies and uses deception to make others look bad.  His failed health-care bill; his golf games; his time on vacations in Florida and elsewhere; his manipulation of trade to benefit his own businesses; his treatment of women, even women leaders around the world; his fake news; - it would be comical if it weren't so scary. He surely can't make himself look any worse.  These first few months in office show us just how much of a narcissist and egotist he is, and how much better it would be if we actually had someone in office who knew how to be diplomatic and courteous, someone who was a master of the art of the compomise.

Maybe it is a good thing that he is President because his policies could bring together the Republicans and the Democrats and even the Independents to work against his plans; and bring diplomacy, decency, and leadership back to the U.S. This could make us get more involved in the voting process, and more knowledgeable about who is running the country and what they have in mind for it and us.

It seems to be working to some extent; several Republicans joined the Democrats in not supporting the new health care bill.  We have also caught a glimpse of what the leaders and inhabitants of other countries think of our President. Don't you think Putin is laughing at Trump behind his back? What about French President Macron? Does he seem comfortable with Trump? And the U.S. cabinet appointments - are they leaders in their fields?

Maybe this farce of a presidency will actually result in making Congress work together to get us out of this hole into which we are currently sinking. The United States could be stronger for it.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


            What is wrong with us? What do we, the citizens of the United States, see in the man who is now President? How did we get to this point where hate is the greatest emotion of  U. S. citizens? Why do people think we need to make America great again? America has always been great, even though some unconscionable things happened in the past. Most of us have always striven for greatness for our country by being the best we can be.

          Part of this, and not the least part, is because we welcome all viewpoints. We believe everyone has the right to speak up and express their opinions and ideas. We don't hate people because they are different, or because they are women, or because they speak a different language. Americans don't hate. Please don't remind me about slavery, smallpox for Native Americans,  etc. We have recognized most of the wrongs of the past, and should now be moving forward. There will probably always be evil individuals, but they don't, or shouldn't, represent a nation supposedly founded on freedom and equality.

          Today, it seems we are being encouraged to hate  anyone who is not us. How did we let this current government talk us into hating everyone and everything that is different? Just as an example, our President has recently asked that the National Endowment for the Arts be stripped of its funding; because we need to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to keep our southern neighbors where they belong and out of this country.

          There are good reasons government needs to be reformed, but hatred is not, or should not be, one of them. More important would be to care for and respect the environment, provide good health care for all, and endow a good education for our children

Friday, January 27, 2017

How Did We Let This Happen?

 Global warming - a myth. That's why the year 2016 was the warmest in recorded history. We need to close off our borders. We need to build a wall. We need to start torturing people as a policy. Almost anyone can be made to confess to anything, whether they did it or not, if they are tortured enough.  

At this rate, there will be no country left for our children and grandchildren to inherit. Women, African Americans, gays, anyone who is not white skinned and does not speak English (American English at that) should be banned from the United States, or at least relegated to the bottom rung of society, and have no say in how this country is governed. They simply aren't good enough. This is the message the current administration is sending to the American people, and a lot of the population seems to agree.

Respect the office of the Presidency. That doesn't mean to not look at what the person holding that office is doing. Is he following the law? Is he keeping the promises he made? Or is he still lying  to us? is he respecting the office of the Presidency?

Take Mexico and "the wall." Mexico will pay for it, we were told. Funny how that has evolved into us, the U.S. citizens footing the bill. Now it is to be paid for by a consumer tax, which always hits the poorest people hardest. So you and I will be paying for this wall, although we have no say in whether or not it should be built. It should not. This wall is not creating opportunities for knowledge or friendship, but is increasing isolationism and the fear of the unknown., to say nothing of the cost of living.

Will there be a country left for my grandkids? Or yours? I'm beginning to doubt that. We are fouling the air and the water, making enemies of a great part of the globe, contributing to global warming, and ticking off most of the other people in the world.  This President terrifies me.