Sunday, August 5, 2012

Politics Not as Usual, or Some Things Never change

I do not understand how  or why anyone would want to legislate something that is none of their business (like a woman's choice to have a child, or even to use birth control), something that is patently false (like Thomas Jefferson not having much of an impact on the founding of this country), or something totally idiotic (like  telling schools they cannot teach "higher order thinking skills..."). 

What is wrong with us? Have our citizens been dumbed down enough (by TV, newspapers, and other sources of news, or what passes for news today) not to care what is happening in our country? Can we no longer think for ourselves, or must we all be mindless ditto heads, who believe something just because it is said by someone who can shout louder that someone else.

I know people think I am a bit left of center (don't believe in capital punishment, believe in a woman's right to control her own body, think at least some drugs should be legalized), but I have always thought of myself as mostly moderate. I think that some people have lately been, not just leaning to the right, but running that way. Now we hear that our Republican congressman, Steve LaTourette, has decided not to run for Congress again. His reason? The people in Congress today are totally unable to work together; no one seems to have heard of the word compromise. This saddens me, even though I did not vote for Mr. LaTourette. Or maybe I should be glad, because if even this moderate Republican can see that Congress is a laughingstock, there may be some hope. Could his resignation trigger some introspection and maybe even realization that we must work together or our problems will overcome us, instead of the other way around? It's worth thinking about.

Donations, Contributions, Etc.

Every day, the mail brings at least one new request for a donation. Most of these requests support good causes: policies that need to be heard, children that need medical help, animals that need homes, people that need to be fed. There are also the political requests for support: Democrats, Republicans, groups supporting abortion rights, groups against choice, supporters of private schools, supporters of religious freedom, opposers of religious freedom, people against immigration -  it goes on and on.

How do you decide where you want to send your hard earned dollars? Do you have a favorite charity? Or do you throw most of the requests away until you finally start feeling guilty, then donate to the next one that comes in the mail? I have decided that there are only so many causes I can support, so I have set some (arbitrary) rules.

I don't give donations over the phone - no credit card numbers, no promises, nothing. I don't respond to random mailings, no matter how much the stories may appeal to me. I give only to a few causes that I know are worthwhile, and most of these are local. I'm not saying that other causes aren't worthwhile, because a lot of them are, especially in this election year when it seems that a lot of people want to invade our privacy and take away our rights. Especially hard hit this year are women, who could literally be fighting for their lives.

The choice of which charities or political ideologies to support is a tough one. But it must be made. After all, if I give too much, someone will then have to support me!