Saturday, October 15, 2011

Winter Clothes

It's that time of year again, when I reluctantly put my summer clothes away for the winter and bring out the turtlenecks and long underwear. Every year, I know I am going to get rid of a whole stack of clothes that I haven't worn for months, or even years. And every year, I don't. I know all the magazines say that if you haven't worn something in a year, you should pitch it. So why can't I do that? I haven't the foggiest. Maybe because I was raised a dark Lutheran? Maybe because my parents lived during the Great Depression? Because I didn't have a lot of money growing up?

Whatever the reason, I started out with high hopes this year. I actually got rid of a pair of sandals when I went through my shoes. Oh, this was going to be a good year! Then, I added a pair of jeans to the "pile!" Can you believe it? And I hadn't even started on the dresser or the closet.

Well, I've gone through them now, and all I managed to add was a top that I bought five years ago. At one point, I had chosen two dresses to give to the Salvation Army, but then had second thoughts and put them back in the closet. No matter that I hadn't worn them since I retired (six years ago); I might need them someday.

I think I will let my "pile" of rejects sit in plain sight for a day or two. Who knows—I may just decide to add more, maybe even a dress or two.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Depressing Day

This is one of those days that are depressing and heavy. Please don't ask me why, I couldn't give you an answer. I thought I just wanted to go back to bed and sleep, but even that is too hard right now. Instead, I swept the floors, did some laundry, cleaned out the kitchen sink, did dishes, and now I am going to iron.

Yes, you saw that right—I am going to iron. I know several women who do not even own an iron, much less use one. But I iron. I iron shirts, slacks, shorts, blouses, tablecloths, napkins, and anything else that could possibly need to be ironed. My usual time to iron is Monday evening, after dinner, while listening to WCSB (a college radio station) play the blues. There is no way you can remain down in the dumps while listening to the blues. Most of the music has such an upbeat tempo that you just want to move your feet, and your body. Think John Hammond or John Lee Hooker. But that's neither here nor there right now.

Right now I am just going to iron and feel sorry for myself. I know the weather here (cold, rainy, gray, windy) has a lot to do with the mood I'm in, but it doesn't matter. I can't talk myself up, so I may just as well iron. At least I'll accomplish something.